Our wonderful Hope & Healing Circle is available to our Premium Plus members who would like to interact with other Bloom in Wellness members. When you join as a Premium Plus member you will be automatically added to the Circle but will not be a part of any group until you send a request to join and gain access. Our five groups are:


Share your Affirmations, Quotations, Gratitude, Poetry, Reassurance, Hope, Upliftment…


Be informed: neuroplasticity, research, mindfulness, news, anecdotal evidence, empirical evidence, anatomy, somatic experiencing, polyvagal theory, and more…


Share your special fur babies that contribute to your wellness and are keeping you company during this challenging time, showering you with unconditional love and acceptance, or in the case of cats, allowing you the opportunity to serve.


Quizzes, puzzles, movies, music, dramas you have been bingeing on, post pics of your latest watercolour painting or designer scarf that you personally knitted… anything that you do to pass the time, we would love for you to share here.


Notes to your self, gratitude lists, self-compassion… This group is perfect if you want to nurture yourself while you continue to heal…


Our Blog (not a group) by Baylissa is where you will receive regular updates, insights, random thoughts, reflections and answers about membership and navigating your way around the groups.