Almighty God, you are the only source of health and healing. In you there is calm, and the only true peace in the universe. Grant to each one of us your children an awareness of your presence, and give us perfect confidence in you. In all pain and weariness and anxiety teach us to yield ourselves to your never-failing care, knowing that your love and power surround us, trusting in your wisdom and providence to give us health and strength and peace when your time is best; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
– The Nazarene
My Loving God, I pray for your comfort in this time of healing. Lord I have asked you to heal me and now I wait. I trust that you have not abandoned me and that in your divine timing, my healing will be revealed to me. I believe in the power of your grace, Lord, and I know that no matter how scared I am, you are with me always, walking beside me, soothing me and keeping me safe during my journey to recovery. Fill my heart with peace and acceptance, Dear God, and help me to remember that with you, all things are possible. I release all my concerns and all aspects of my life into your compassionate care and I do so with love and gratitude. Thank you Lord. Amen.
– Bloom in Wellness
Dear Lord, It is my will to surrender to you this situation that I currently face. I surrender my life to you. I surrender my health and my recovery. I surrender my past, my present and my future. I surrender my pain, my worry, my fears, my terror, my doubts and my anxiety. I know that your love and your power are greater than any challenge I am facing, Lord. And so I let go of it all and surrender to you. In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.
– Bloom in Wellness
Dear Lord, I come to you today at a time when it seems as if my world has collapsed and I have lost control of my life and my health. Lord, I surrender my will to you. I let go of the process and ask you to hold me in the palm of your hand, as I wait for my healing to be completed. Please lift me up whenever I fall and sustain me, Lord, each and every day. I thank you, in Jesus’ precious name, Amen.
– Bloom in Wellness
Thank you, Dear God, for your healing power that surges through every cell of my body, strengthening me and restoring me to good health, vibrancy and wholeness. Thank you for giving me the patience and grace to await my healing, and thank you for your unwavering guidance and constant protection. You are my anchor and my solid rock. In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.
– Bloom in Wellness
Jesus, I know that when you walked on the earth, you trod upon hard places, you felt the strain of this world and the pressures of mental torment. So I ask that you would come beside me now, lead me through this time when my mind cannot cope. Help me to find peace and calming inner thoughts. You hold me safe Lord, I trust in you. Amen.
– Unknown
Heavenly Father, I am hurting. I am grieving my losses and trying to cope with the pain of this complex affliction and the resulting challenges. Lord, I ask you to dull the pain with your love. You know my heart, Lord. You know my thoughts. You know my fears. Help me to remember that my strength comes from you and this means that whatever happens, I will overcome it, with you by my side as my protector and guide. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
– Bloom in Wellness
Lord of Heaven, I rest underneath your mighty wings of love. I dwell within your gentle heart. I know there is healing in your touch. Through the sufferings of Jesus Christ I can ask for restoration and trust in your goodness. You are my Lord, my Saviour, my Healer and my friend. I dwell within your gentle embrace. Amen.
– Unknown