Contribution to keep the site going via your Premium membership is £19.95 per month or £4.99 per week (payable monthly) and includes access to all areas of the site. For Premium Plus membership it is £7.50 per week or £29.95 (paid monthly) and this includes access to all areas of the site as well as the option to attend our monthly live webinars, monthly live hangouts, weekly mindfulness groups, and weekly quiz and music hangouts. 

Payment method

You can subscribe either by PayPal or by credit card via Stripe, and subscriptions are renewable automatically, unless you cancel your subscription. (See ‘Cancelling Account’ instructions below.)

Membership Fees

Your PayPal or credit card account will be automatically charged on the same date as the original transaction date on each corresponding month (for example, July 1, 2023 subscription renews on August 1, 2023).

Your subscription and these Terms may be terminated if PayPal or Stripe is unable to renew the subscription for any reason including inaccurate or outdated credit card information.

Right of access granted under these Terms is effective only upon payment of the subscription fees. may increase subscription fees for a subsequent subscription period at any time and for any reason, provided, however, that Bloom in Wellness provides notice at least thirty (30) calendar days prior to the expiration of the subscription.

Payment Details does not handle payments and has no access to card numbers or other payment information. This is handled by PayPal and Stripe payment gateways.

Cancelling Account

To cancel your subscription please visit: and you will see an option to cancel.

Please be aware that at the time you cancel your membership you will lose access to the membership areas of the site.


Subscription fees are non-refundable.

Membership Queries

For queries pertaining to your membership, fees, website access, etc., please send an email to: