Please keep in mind the non-linear nature of healing in withdrawal/ABIND and that there is no rhyme or reason to the sequences and patterns that unfold. This is important in order to avoid becoming overwhelmed or terrified when symptoms appear out of the blue or intensify without warning. New ones may surface and old ones may reappear. Your worst symptom can improve and some of the others intensify, or a symptom can intensify while others improve. And there are cases where the symptoms go spontaneously, never to return. Anything can happen in withdrawal/ABIND!
To try to make sense of what takes place in a logical, analytical way can be draining and futile. There is adequate anecdotal evidence to disprove even the soundest theories. The important thing is to keep reminding yourself that no matter what you are experiencing, withdrawal is temporary. You don’t need to understand the process in order to heal. There are many people who don’t use computers, who have no clue as to what a receptor is or what protracted withdrawal or ABIND is. They only know that they are in “something called withdrawal” and that it will end. They do their best to cope with the symptoms and they wait…. and they heal.
It’s okay to be informed and curious and proactive, but don’t lose sight of the fact that regardless of how much you know or don’t know, your body is working towards homeostasis and a healing process is taking place. In time, you will have evidence of this.
Trust that if you are breathing, you are healing. This is how the innate intelligence of the human body works. It is resilient and self-restorative. All you need to do is to take care of yourself while you wait and allow the healing to continue to unfold. It will, in time, and you will be able to put this chapter behind you and move on. In the meantime, keep holding on! Remember, you ARE healing… one breath at a time.