Your Boundaries

Your Boundaries

Boundaries are terms and conditions you put in place to establish limits that benefit and protect you and the people you interact with. Having boundaries is not being selfish or self-indulgent. It keeps both you, and anyone you extend these boundaries to, safe. It...
Wait It Out

Wait It Out

If you are having a difficult time, with no let up, or if you are having ‘windows’ or little glimpses but only for brief periods, or you feel worse rather than better, or you are tapering with difficulty, please don’t lose heart. As you know, this healing process is...
The Other Side

The Other Side

When our friends who have recovered write to me, they always say how content they are, how grateful they feel, and how even the simplest things bring them joy. They also say that having been able to cope with withdrawal has made them profoundly appreciate how strong...
Anything Can Happen, Anything Can Be

Anything Can Happen, Anything Can Be

“Listen to the mustn’ts, child. Listen to the don’ts. Listen to the shouldn’ts, the impossibles, the won’ts. Listen to the never haves, then listen close to me… Anything can happen, child. Anything can be.”- Shel Silverstein...
If You Are Breathing, You Are Healing

If You Are Breathing, You Are Healing

Please keep in mind the non-linear nature of healing in withdrawal/ABIND and that there is no rhyme or reason to the sequences and patterns that unfold. This is important in order to avoid becoming overwhelmed or terrified when symptoms appear out of the blue or...
Don’t Beat Yourself Up

Don’t Beat Yourself Up

Please don’t think you have to apologize to anyone for this withdrawal experience and how it is manifesting for you… in terms of how you feel and how you get through the days. Your intention at the very beginning was not to suffer like this. Don’t beat...
Professor C. Heather Ashton

Professor C. Heather Ashton

This blog post was written before the passing of Professor Ashton. I am sharing it here, in her memory, as July 11th would have been her birthday. This morning I found the above ‘thank you’ letter from the BMA (British Medical Association) dated January 22nd 2013. I...
Validating Your Feelings

Validating Your Feelings

It is important to always validate any feelings of apprehension, despair, sadness… Whatever the emotion, make it okay to acknowledge it and express it. Suppression of emotions will not make them go away and being upset does not make you a negative person. People...