If this is a time when there are dark days, and you are gripped with ABIND or withdrawal-related anxieties and fears, you must still keep holding on. It may be difficult to believe that there can be any light in your space. But it is at these times that you must dig deepest to find the strength that will help you to see the fears for what they are, and still emerge with hope in your heart.

There is no easy explanation for the unfolding complexities of this challenge you have encountered. It defies all logic, rhyme or reason. Still, you must believe that even though you do not fully understand the process, healing is happening and your recovery is on track. Trust that you will see the light of your healing over time.

Waiting for the breakthrough, the glimmers of confirmation of progress, is never easy but it is imperative that you do. In reality, this is your power… it is all you can do. Allow, accept, and wait this process out, while being proactive in ways that work for you. And never ever stop believing in your body’s ability to surprise with wonderful, ever-present healing. The dark clouds will not hover forever, so please hold on.

Know that it is normal for you to at times experience this overwhelm. But do your best to not allow it to overshadow your awareness of the strength you have inside and the innate intelligence and self-healing capability of the human body. Remind yourself of this often and, as much as you can, stay focused on your recovery.

You may not yet have the answers you are searching for, but that does not mean your healing is not happening. Hold on. You have more patience and strength than you realise. You have more courage than you give yourself credit for. Your grace is evident. Never give up on your ability to hope, to cope, and to heal. Keep holding on.

With compassion and silver linings,